by Theresa Bradley-Banta
If you think you are hearing more about extreme weather these days, you aren’t wrong. Scientific American reported in 2018 that weather around the world is likely to continue to become more extreme. Record-breaking temperatures and massive storm...
by Theresa Bradley-Banta
The key to successfully getting into the multifamily real estate market comes down to three things: time, consistency, and patience. Setting up a weekly multifamily investing schedule can help you practice all three of these. Try this multifamily investing...
by Theresa Bradley-Banta
There is a difference between owning a building and owning a business. If you’ve invested in multifamily properties and want to develop a thriving business, you need to think strategically about your income-producing assets. This becomes even more important when...
by Theresa Bradley-Banta
Technology can be a powerful tool when it comes to managing your multifamily properties. It can help you save time, connect with your residents, and market your properties to an increasingly digital audience. Here are some of the best multifamily tech tools and ideas...
by Theresa Bradley-Banta
As an apartment building owner, what’s your brand? It might not be something you’ve ever thought about, but your apartment building already has a brand. Your brand comes from the image your property is portraying to both the people living there as well as...