Should You Be an Active or Passive Real Estate Investor?

Should You Be an Active or Passive Real Estate Investor?

Before you make a real estate investment decision, decide whether you want to be an active or passive real estate investor. If you don’t know which route you want to take, you could become prey to less scrupulous investors looking for money. Lack of education can set you up to jump at every opportunity that presents itself. Or you can easily become discouraged.

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Great Tips for a Multifamily Renovation

Great Tips for a Multifamily Renovation

When it comes to a multifamily renovation it’s not unusual for new owners to find themselves over time, over budget, in over their heads and short on funds. Fortunately, mistakes can be avoided.

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Multifamily Rent Roll Analysis

Multifamily Rent Roll Analysis

A Rent Roll is critical part of your multifamily investment property due diligence and should not be overlooked or taken lightly. What is a Rent Roll? How do you use it in your due diligence?

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