The Kyle Malnati Show is a real estate podcast focused on topics that appeal to both experienced multifamily owners and aspiring real estate investors.

I first met Kyle almost a decade ago when I was looking for apartment buildings in the Central Denver market. Kyle is a commercial real estate broker specializing in multifamily and investment sales. He’s also a friend and mentor.

Kyle loves to share fundamental information about apartment buildings as well as the latest trends in multifamily investments—and his show is the perfect platform to do so. I’m delighted to count myself among one of his recent guests. One of the topics we talked about is the persistence required in order to become a successful multifamily investor.

Quote from the show:

“Luck is what happens when opportunity meets preparation.” –Seneca, Roman Philosopher

Click here, or on the image below, to watch.


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Theresa Bradley-Banta writes about investing in real estate while avoiding the pitfalls that plague many new investors. She is a 2017 PropTech Top 100 Influencer and winner of 14 American and International real estate awards for her website and real estate investing programs. As featured on: The Equifax Finance Blog, AOL’s Daily Finance, Scotsman Guide, The Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever Show, Stevie Awards Blog, Rental Housing Journal, and Investors Beat among others.